It’s About To Go Down

First of all, I would like to send my condolences to those who genuinely loved Leonard Cure, an exonerated man in Florida who was killed by police after being stopped on the highway.

Was his death a retaliatory execution because he fought to get exonerated, and was exonerated? Was he assassinated? Did he overreact to something the police said or ordered him to do because of PTSD from being kidnapped & held hostage for years before he was finally exonerated and set free.

I read some of the appeals he filed, pro se, on his own. They kept denying him. Then when he finally wins he is killed beside the road?

Only weeks after the Florida legislature passed a law to compensate him with over eight hundred thousand dollars and a free education, he was killed by the police?

It is very tempting to jump to conclusions that fit our biases, fears, desires and belief system. I don’t want to be the guy doing that to anyone. That is how I was framed for the James Jordan’s murder to promote a political narrative that created billions in profit. Even if the media won’t do it, I am going to practice proper journalistic ethics and integrity by sticking to the facts.

I don’t know why the police took his life. Again. Why did they put him in a box, again, this time for good. But I will say this…


Why do people who have been exonerated, all over the country but especially in the South it seems, keep getting killed after they are freed? After they win lawsuits but before they can spend the money?

Leonard Cure did what I would like to do upon release, get to work improving the justice system for all people. That means working with lawyers, law students , prosecutors, law enforcement, and judges to improve things.

At the same time, from experience, we all know that a lot of these people despise someone telling them how to do their job.

Especially those who didn’t go to law school, who didn’t swear that oath to the state, & who don’t value petty political divisions over lives.

Many hate us for having a conscience that, because it was molded under the torturous pressure of systematic injustice, won’t allow us to connive against others being oppressed whether it’s the wrongly convicted, the ignored crime victims, innocent Jews, Palestinians, Hatians, kids in the hoods, cops who actually follow the law by cleaning up their ranks, and even the senselessly rich people whose money attract scammers who use them up before they put them on the altar.

Can we start compiling statistics on what happens to those who are exonerated? Do spread sheets that categorize exonerees by state, race, who represented them, and if they died, was it health related, accidental, a killing, or “suicide”?

As far as I’m concerned, any one who is actually innocent is going to be affected.

Those of you who knew me BC, (Before Conviction) know that I was a very carefree, class clownish, cool with everyone type of kid. I was trusting to a fault, loyal, and very vocal.

Now? Trust isn’t given, it’s earned and when I see that the handshake doesn’t match the smile, I’m moonwalking with the penny loafers. I know that small signs reveal a lot about a person that can’t be ignored and I feel like, at this age, we’ve all been burnt so we should all respect each other’s defenses.

Those who truly love someone behind bars that is really, actively fighting to return home bearing gifts as better people please respect the transformation price that comes with it. We live, sleep, eat, and work on multiple battlefields at the same time.

We have to wage war against our own defects, the temptations to treat prison like a vacation resort, to not give in to despair ,to not allow our relationships to become a form of escapism from our reality and to find ways to contribute to a society that often views us as suspect for every possible threat imaginable.

As if being in prison somehow makes us susceptible to committing crimes we never have and never would….

Those of us who have had to fight for freedom by ourselves, for any extent of time, are changed because we find out just how strong, intelligent, and resilient we are.

We realize that our potential was ignored or intentionally stunted before we even knew how precious we and it inherently is.

We have been attacked, denigrated, and marginalized by those viewed as pillars of advocacy because we value our freedom and loved ones more than we value their political and personal agendas.

When we stand firm on that they make us killable by blackballing us in the legal communities they belong to by assassinating our characters like petulant brats who take their balls home because you won’t play by rules that are constantly being changed to gratify their ego.

This is the lesson the Roman Empire co-opted Christ’s life to drive home! If they can’t bribe you, seduce you, or scare you into getting down with us, we will take your life and good name in a way that will cause those who you fight for to forsake you!

I would encourage anyone who knew Leonard Cure to demand an objective investigation by a private investigation company not connected to the state of Florida in any way. Shifting local police related deaths to state police agencies does absolutely nothing to neutralize police biases and the internal and external incentives to absolve police.

Here in North Carolina, if local police kill someone the State Bureau of Investigation is appointed to provide the appearance of objectivity, yet the state police train local police, are part of the same community, and are members of the same oath bound organizations such as the Lodge of Fraternal Order of Police & the International Association of Chief of Police.

This is not to say that the SBI will automatically spin the facts to protect their brothers and sisters of the shield but North Carolina SBI has a history of falsifying forensic evidence, turning a blind eye to police corruption, and even worse. So, I would say that they are just like me and all of you “they’re only human, of flesh and blood” they’re made.

In my case they definitely fabricated so-called blood evidence to make it look like I carjacked and killed James Jordan. They definitely destroyed so-called blood evidence. But this case isn’t the exception, they just used Michael Jordan’s celebrity to hide behind and they still are.

The best thing is for us to learn our civic duties and how to think critically so that we can support and defend cops who do right and are legally in the right and press charges against those who commit crimes.

Stop settling out of court when your family and friends are murdered, and when you do decades in prison unless you are moving far away from that state. Cure was killed on I-95 in Georgia near the Florida state line.

Let’s see what Leonard Cure’s attorney, Seth Miller of the Innocence Project of Florida and the prosecutors who spoke so highly of Cure, like Broward County State Attorney, Harold F. Pryor, Assistant State Attorney, Demby Berger and Governor DeSantis, do about Georgia killing the man they all worked to exonerate and compensate. The man who just wanted to gracefully put his nightmare behind him. One!