Are you looking for something for relatively nothing?
Are you looking to level up without being qualified?
Want to get your kids in the best college?
Are you a lawyer, journalist or social medial influencer ready to come up Read more
Are you looking for something for relatively nothing?
Are you looking to level up without being qualified?
Want to get your kids in the best college?
Are you a lawyer, journalist or social medial influencer ready to come up Read more
Friday the 13th!
To the superstitious this is a bad day but to me its associated with FREEDOM.
Friday the 13th in August 1993 is the last day that I was free.
Last night we talked with Samad. Check Read more
Dear Ms. Moses:
My name is Daniel Andre Green. A few months ago, WRAL aired a comment from you about motions I filed, which Amanda Lamb says that you hadn’t read before publicly commenting Read more
Just to let all of you know…..We are built for adversity! Never let anyone convince you that all power to Become more isn’t in you.
It is! You are That!
Can we get a round of applause for my Read more
Whenever we use the phrase “sunshine” in discussions about government functions we are talking about public records, public hearings, and transparency in all government functions. We are talking about your right to know what Read more