How would you carry this burden?

A few days ago, I threw the question out there in the atmosphere…. If you were me, how would you carry this burden????

For me, it’s about maintaining the integrity of my soul so that it will continue evolving in a way that reflects its source. The nature of prison is such that obedience to those who supervise is more valued then obedience to the laws of the land and universal law itself. Prison culture encourages and rewards sociopathic behavior, not morality.

“Just worry about yourself and your homies!” But, what happens when a person takes that mentality into freedom? That isolation goes with them and surrounds them with a void that makes it impossible for them to feel the connection to one another that we yearn to be part of again. Freedom without that sense of unity others become objects that exist solely for our benefit.

Once someone is objectified it becomes easy to treat them as a means to an end instead of the image of God that we all are.